1.1) If an information system were to be designed for a hospital, what would be the strategic and tactical information?

Strategic information in hospital

1.Cost-benefit of a new expensive diagnostic instrument. (Such as CAT scanner).

2. Long-term forecasts for opening a ward for old age patients.

3.Technical developments in routine diagnostic instruments and decision to upgrade existing instruments.

Tactical information in hospital

1.Optimum replacement periods and use of expensive instruments. 2.Optimum level of drugs to be stocked keeping in view expiry dates of drugs. 3.Operation theatre utilization data for improved performance

1.2) For a hospital information system what would be the Operational information required?

1. List of patients discharged, admitted in every department.

2. Occupancy of beds and schedules for admission of patients.

3. Absenteeism data of nurses and technicians.

4. Operation theatre allotment and schedules.

1.3) What is statutory information?

What statutory information is expected from a hospital?

Information and reports that are required by law to be sent to the government authority is called statutory information.

Statutory Information for Hospital

1. Birth and death records.

2. Infectious diseases record.

3. Profit and loss account.

1.4) What type of Statutory information is to be provided by a small-scale industry?

Any information required by law to be sent to government authorities such as:

1. Income Tax returns

2. Sales tax returns

3. Excise duty

4. Employee state Insurance

1.5) Is up-to-date information always timely? If not, give an example of up-to- date but not timely information?

No, it is not necessary that up-to-date information is always timely. For example giving the correct information about the casualties and the damage caused due to earthquake after a week.

Another example is delivering a newspaper dated 16 June with information Up-to-date a week late.
