System requirements specification, classification of requirements as strategic, tactical, operational and statutory.

System requirements specification, classification of requirements as strategic, tactical, operational and statutory


SRS is obtained after excessive discussions with the user.

System requirements specification specifies what Information requirements will be provided. It does not specify how the system will be designed. Developing SRS is most important and difficult task of a Systems analyst

How SRS is developed

Analyst examines the current system, finds out the shortcomings of the

system as seen by the user. He then develops an SRS which is understandable by the user and which can be used for detailed design of the system.

Ideal characteristics of SRS

•Complete and Unambiguous.

•Specifies operational, tactical, and strategic information requirements

•Eliminates possible later disputes between users and Analyst

•Uses Graphical aids understood by users who are not computer literate and will also be useful in design.

•Jargon Free.



“Our company receives many items from several vendors each accompanied by a delivery note. A receiving office receives the item and checks the delivery note with corresponding order. Any discrepancy is reported to purchase office. The items received along with items received note (with details of items) is sent to the inspection office.”

ENTITIES IDENTIFIED-Vendors, Receiving office, Inspection office DOCUMENTS IDENTIFIED-Delivery note, discrepancy note, Items Received note.

Using these a document flow diagram is drawn


The diagram is interpreted as follows:

Vendors deliver items to receiving office accompanied by a delivery note

2) Receiving Office sends items to inspection office along with an items received note

3) Receiving office sends discrepancy note to Purchase office

ENTITIES: Vendor, Receiving office, Inspection office and purchase office

DOCUMENTS: Delivery note, Items received note and discrepancy note


DFD has entities and data flows, DFD specifies processing performed by some of the entities. It specifies which entities generate documents and also indicate their flow. Data stores which are referred while processing data and in which processed data may be written or stored are also represented in the Diagram


•Entities are, originators of data and “consumers” of data

•Vendor, Inspection office and purchase office are entities in the above diagram

•Data flows are delivery note, items received note and discrepancy note

•A circle is used to depict a process

•A pair of parallel lines depict a store

Data elements in the data flow:

Delivery note:

Order no,Vendor code,Vendor name and address,Item name, Item code,Delivery date,Quantity supplied,units.

Items Received note:

Order no,Item name,Item code,Delivery date,quantity,supplied,units.

Discrepancy note:

Order no,Vendor code,Vendor name and address,Item name, Item code,Order date, Delivery date,quantity supplied,units, excess/deficiency,No of days late/early.

Receiving office order file

Order no,Order date,Item name,Item code,Vendor code,Vendor Name and address,Quantity ordered,delivery period.


The statements given below are shown to the user for his approval.

English statement

1. Compare order no in delivery note with that in order file. If no match return item to vendor.

2. If order no matches then compare item codes, if no match return item to the vendor.

3. If order number matches compare qty delivered with quantity ordered. If excess or deficient send discrepancy note to purchase office.

4. If order number matches compare date of delivery with expected date. If

late or early send discrepancy note to purchase office.

5. In case3 and case4 send items received note to inspection office


SRS Document now consists of Document flow diagrams(as many as needed), Data Flow Diagrams, Data elements of each data flow and Data store, processing rules carried out in each circle of DFD, a descriptive statement of operational,tactical,strategic information will be provided, a data dictionary which consolidates all data elements in the document and data store.


1. Most of the material including the case study has been adapted from Chapter 4, Analysis and Design of Information Systems by V.Rajaraman published by Prentice Hall of India 2002 with permission from publisher.

Systems Analysis and Design, by K.E.Kendell and J.E.Kendell published by Pearson Education Asia 2002 discuss in detail fact gathering in pp.117-196. They cover interviewing, questionnaire use and observing an organization very thoroughly.


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