11.1 What do you understand by an IP address? How is an IP address represented numerically?

An IP address is an unique address required by a computer interface to access the internet. Presently an IP address is a 4 byte address and is expressed in what is known as the dotted decimal format like

11.2 What is a domain name? How are e-mail addresses assigned?

Since IP addresses are represented numerically which is difficult to remember, these addresses are converted into a string of characters for ease of remembering. These addresses are grouped into domains.

On the Internet, a domain consists of a set of network addresses. This domain is organized in levels. The top level identifies geographic location or purpose commonality (for example, .in for India, .com for commerce and .edu for education). The second level identifies a unique place within the top level domain and is, in fact, equivalent to a unique address on the Internet (or IP). Lower levels of domain may also be used.

Domain addresses are assigned by an international authority known as Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN).

11.3 What is packet switching? What are the advantages of packet switching?

Why is packet switching used in internet communication?

Packet switching is the technique in which data are transmitted through communication links as a set of packets. A message is broken into a number of packets. The packets are stored in routers along the path and forwarded to other routers when communication link is free.

Here the message is broken into packets to reduce the transmission cost. The transmission is faster and fault-tolerant, in the sense that if a line is not working or free the stored packets can be sent along another line.

11.4 What is extranet? Give an example of an extranet

An Extranet is private connection of intranets and leased lines from public telecommunication system to share part of business’s information or operations with suppliers, vendors, partners, customers, or other businesses.

We can call it as a “private internet” Companies can use extranet to:

(a) Exchange large volumes of data using Electronic data Interchange(EDI)

(b) Share product catalogs exclusively with wholesalers or those “in the trade”

(c) Collaborate with other companies on joint development efforts

(d) Jointly develop and use training programs with other companies

An example of extranet is one which connects an automobile manufacturer with supplies of ancilliaries such as batteries, tyres, brakes etc. Another example is banknet connecting banks.

11.6 What is the world wide web? In what way is it different from internet?

The world wide web is the global multimedia information service available on the internet. It consists of linked web pages.

The internet helps in facilitating the functionality of www. Internet is a physical network of computers where www is a service provided using the internet.

11.7 What is the role of HTML in web page design? Give a HTML code to display

Introduction to e-Commerce

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HTML has features to embed with web pages pointing to other web pages. It has features for adding images, different colors etc. and also you can develop a very good and attractive web page to attract customers which is the basic need of e- Commerce.

The html code to display the information is given below:

image11.8 What is a URL? Explain the various parts of an URL?

A URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. A URL is the address of a (resource) accessible on the Internet. The type of resource depends on the Internet application protocol.

In the URL the http stands for protocol to be used i.e., here hyper text transfer protocol. The preceded by:// is the address (called domain name) of computer, which is permanently connected to the internet. The entertainment is one directory. Under entertainment directory the file for information on movie is movie.html.

The protocol can be http, ftp (file transfer protocol). The com stands for commercial organization.

Similarly there are different domains like edu, net etc., which are universally agreed as of specific type.

11.9 What is a hyperlink? How do you link an image file to a HTML document?

An image or portion of text on a Web page that is linked to another Web page, either on the same site or in another Web site is an Hyperlink. Clicking on the link will take the user to another Web page, or to another place on the same page.

The specification for linking an image file to a HTML document is <A href = “image file name”>< /A> where <A> is called the anchor tag.

11.10 What is XML? In what way is it superior to HTML?

XML or Extended Markup Language a subset of a SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language), is a new markup language that is capable of specifying what a document really represents, unlike HTML which emphasizes on presentation of the content and no means of specifying structure.

XML uses tags which are user defined, while HTML uses tags which are predefined by the language.

Formatting and presentation are not part of XML unlike HTML which has tags for bold face, italics etc. This is delegated to a companion language called XSL (Extensible Style Language) Linking documents to create hypertext is also not integrated in XML unlike HTML where tag <A> is a general purpose linking tag. Much more powerful linking is enabled by separating it to a companion language called XLL (Extensible Link Language).

11.11 What language do you use to format XML documents?

Formatting is not a part of XML. This is delegated to a companion language called XSL (Extensible style language)


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