
Showing posts from February, 2015


ELECTRONIC COMMERCE WORKED EXAMPLES 13.1Explain B2B e-Commerce using an example of a book distributor who stocks a large number of books, which he distributes via a large network of book sellers. Assume that the distributor has stocks of books of a large number of publishers and book sellers order books as and when their stock is low. Distributors give 1 month’s time to booksellers for payment 13.2 Explain B2C e-Commerce of a customer reserving airline tickets from his home o r place of work. B2C e-Commerce involves the business between an individual and an organization. For the case given in question, the customer has to visit the site of the travel agency or a broker and get the status of the availability of tickets. If ticket is available he/she will book the ticket and input the credit card details. He/She will be given the details of delivery of ticket. The block diagram below depicts the total process 13.3 Explain C2C e-Commerce with an appropriate example Here the ...


CAS E TOOLS WORKED EXAMPLES 14.1 What is the expansion of CASE tools? CASE tools stand for C omputer A ided S oftware E ngineering tools. 14.2 What are the advantages of using CASE tools? The advantages of CASE tools are as follows: 1. CASE tools are software packages, which allows software engineers to develop systems faster. 2. CASE tools also assist in better communication among members of a team developing a system. They improve communication between team members and users of the system 3. Use of CASE tools result in better documentation of systems 4. CASE tools also assist in correctly assessing the effects and cost of changes requested by users during system development and maintenance


CONTRO L OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS AUDIT AND SECURITY WORKED EXAMPLES 12.1 A college has 1500 students whose final examination results are declared using computer processing. There are 5 subjects, each carrying 100 marks. Classes are awarded as follows: Marks 60 or above I Class, 50 or above II Class, below 50 Fail. Devise an appropriate control scheme for processing results. Control Measures (i) Organizational measures . Each examiner who grades papers sends a separate list for batches of 50 students, number of students getting >= 60, number getting >= 50 and number below 50. Data entry is done by a person different from the one who enters control information. Control total check from the computer is seen by the head examiner and compared with information on each batch sent by different examiners. (ii) Input preparation control . Roll nos. appended with self-checking digit using modulus-11 system. Records stored roll no. wise and sequence checked while processing. Total no....


DOCUMENTS ON WEB WORKED EXAMPLES 11.1 What do you understand by an IP address? How is an IP address represented numerically? An IP address is an unique address required by a computer interface to access the internet. Presently an IP address is a 4 byte address and is expressed in what is known as the dotted decimal format like 11.2 What is a domain name? How are e-mail addresses assigned? Since IP addresses are represented numerically which is difficult to remember, these addresses are converted into a string of characters for ease of remembering. These addresses are grouped into domains. On the Internet, a domain consists of a set of network addresses. This domain is organized in levels. The top level identifies geographic location or purpose commonality (for example, .in for India, .com for commerce and .edu for education). The second level identifies a unique place within the top level domain and is, in fact, equivalent to a unique address on the Internet (or I...


OBJECT-ORIENTE D SYSTEM MODELLING WORKED EXAMPLES 13.1What is object-oriented modelling? Object-oriented modelling is a methodology of analyzing requirements of a system with the aim of identifying subsystems with the following desirable properties: (a) Each subsystem should have clearly specified responsibility of performing a part of overall task. (b) Other parts of the subsystem should not have to know how a subsystem performs the task assigned to it, rather they should only know what task a subsystem does (c) Each subsystem should be self-contained and independent (d) Each subsystem should know what other subsystems do and how to send requests to them for assistance so that it can cooperate with them to get its own job done (e) Subsystem should hide from outside world the data it uses (f) The subsystem should be designed to be reusable 13.2 Why is object-oriented modelling used in practice? Object-oriented modelling is used in practice as it • Facilitates changing of s...


DATA INPUT METHODS WORKED EXAMPLES 7.1 What is the purpose of data validation program? To detect errors which may have been made by a data entry operator in entering data from forms into a computer’s secondary memory. The detected errors are then corrected to ensure that data file has no errors. 7.2 What are the main principles used in designing forms for data entry? (i) Reduce human efforts in filling forms (ii) Minimize possibility of errors in entering data from forms into a computer’s secondary memory (iii) Minimize effort in entering data from forms into a computer’s secondary memory. 7.3 Design a form to be used by a salesman to report to the office about the sales executed by him at different customer locations See Table below 7.4 Is concise code comprehensive? If not, why? No. In a concise code the aim is to keep the length of the code small whereas in a comprehensive code it is to include as much information as possible about the entity being coded. 7.5 Is me...


DESIGNIN G OUTPUTS WORKED EXAMPLES 10.1 What is the difference between impact and non-impact printers? Give an example of each type of printer. Impact printers depend on a print head striking a carbon ribbon to transfer a character print on a paper. Non-impact printer does not have a print head. Characters are transferred on paper by a xerographic process. A line printer is an impact printer. A laser is a non-impact printer. 10.2 For what types of outputs are video display units appropriate? What is the main difference in characteristics between video display units and printers? VDU is useful for interactive editing, on-line display of answers to queries, etc. A line printer is used for hard copy reports to be stored and distributed to a number of people. 10.3 What type of output will you use for the following: (i) Strategic management (ii) Tactical management (iii) Operational management (i) Strategic: Graphs, summaries, pie charts, etc. (ii) Tactical: Summary reports, exce...


LOGICAL DATABASE DESIGN WORKED EXAMPLES 8.1 What is an entity? Give examples of entities. Entities specify distinct real world items, in an application, e.g., employees, books, cars, fan, chair etc . 8.2 In what ways is an attribute different from an entity? Attributes are specific properties of entities. For example, the attributes of the entity car is (Registration no., chassis no., engine no., h.p., no. of seats, model, manufacturer). 8.3 What do you understand by a 1 to 1, 1 to many, many to many relationships? Give an example for each. If for every value of an attribute A in a relation there is a unique value of an attribute B in another relation then A and B are dependent 1 to 1. If for each A there are N values of B, then A and B are 1:N. Finally if for each value of A there are M values of B and for each B there are N values of A, then A and B are M:N related. 8.4 What is the difference between a relation and a relationship? Relationship depicts the dependency or...


PROCESS SPECIFICATION WORKED EXAMPLES 6.1 A bank has the following policy on deposits: On deposits of Rs. 5000 and above and for three years or above the interest is 12%. On the same deposit for a period less than 3 years it is 10%. On deposits below Rs. 5000 the interest is 8% regardless of the period of deposit. Write the above process using (i) Structured English (ii) A decision table 6.2 An organization maintains an employee file in which each record has following data: { Employee No., employee name, employee gross pay}. It has been decided to increase the pay as per the following formula: For pay of Rs. 1000 or less increase 15%. For pay of more than Rs. 1000 but up to Rs. 2500 increase 10%. For pay over Rs. 2500 increase 5%. (i) Writ e a structured English processing rule corresponding to the above policies. (ii) Express the policies as a decision table. (i) While employee records left in file do Read Number, name , gross pay 6.3 An offshore gas company bills it...