
Concepts of ISO 9000:Developing a System of Procedures

Concepts of ISO 9000 Developing a System of Procedures Perhaps one of the most significant challenges in analysis today is its role in the software life cycle. There has been much criticism of the lack of discipline applied to software development projects and personnel in general, and we continue to be an industry that has a poor reputation for delivering quality products on schedule. Although many organizations have procedures, few really follow them and fewer still have any means of measuring the quality and productivity of software development. A system of procedures should first be developed prior to implementing a life cycle that can ensure its adherence to the procedure. These procedures also need to be measured on an ongoing basis. This book restricts its focus to the set of procedures that should be employed in the analysis and design functions. The process of developing measurable procedures in an organization must start with the people who will be part of its implement...

Object-Oriented Techniques

Object-Oriented Techniques What Is Object-Oriented Analysis? Object-oriented analysis has become a key issue in today’s analysis paradigm. It is without question the most important element of creating what may be called the “complete” requirement of a system. Unfortunately, the industry is in a state of controversy about the approaches and tools that should be used to create object systems. This chapter will focus on developing the requirements for object systems and the challenges of converting legacy systems. Therefore, many of the terms will be defined based on their fundamental capabilities and how they can be used by a practicing analyst (as opposed to a theorist!). Object orientation (OO) is based on the concept that every requirement ultimately must belong to an object. It is therefore critical that we first define what is meant by an object. In the context of OO analysis, an object is any cohesive whole made up of two essential components: data and processes. Classic an...


Security Introduction Analysts should be involved with the security of database and network systems. Security responsibility covers a number of areas. The primary involvement is in application security, which includes access security, data security, and functional screen security. Access security regulates who is authorized to use an application. Data security covers transaction data and stored data across the Web system, and how to validate and secure it. Functional screen security involves determining what features and functions are made available to which users within an application. In addition, the analyst must also participate in network design decisions and decisions about what hardware and operating system conventions should be implemented to help protect the systems from vulnerabilities in browsers, servers, protocols, and firewalls. Obviously, Web systems need to provide security architectures similar to those of any network system. But Web services are designed somewha...